Easy DIY Face Lotion for Sensitive Skin

Backing up, why do I make my own lotion?
Do I have too much time on my hands? No. I make my own beauty products because:

 1.) I have very sensitive skin that seems to break out when I come near chemicals/pizza/chocolate/kids, etc. My skin is just that sensitive.

2.) I care about what goes into my body. I’m a bit of a health nut, but in reality, God gave us a digestion system so even if I eat something not-so-good for me, it will go through a process and hopefully eliminate some of the bad stuff. Our skin, however, has no protective digestive system. In fact, everything we put on our skin gets absorbed immediately into our bodies and blood streams. While scientists are working out what’s harmful or not to our health, I prefer to err on the side of caution.

With that in mind, I wanted to create a lotion that would moisturize well, not make me break out, fight wrinkles, and of course, be free of chemicals. I am so excited to share with you what I came up with because I think no matter your skin needs, you too will love this cream.

First, a disclaimer. The type of ingredients you use in this lotion will directly affect the quality. I used raw organic Shea butter and high-quality essential oils. Note: I would never use oils I bought at the drugstore, or from Amazon on my face. I get mine from a company called Youngevity but I’m sure there are other great companies out there as well. A good indicator that it’s a good oil is the price. For instance, the rose essential oil I use in the below lotion costs around $50. Ouch, I know. You can also buy a frankincense and lavender blend for around $40, which is exactly a steal!

Yes, these are expensive, but if we’re dabbling in making our own products I think it’s a necessary step to ensure quality outcomes. Okay, now that that’s over – let’s get to making it!


  • 1/4 cup shea butter
  • 2 TBS jojoba oil
  • 3 TBS aloe vera juice
  • 1 tsp vitamin E oil
  • 6 drops lavender essential oil
  • 6 drops frankincense oil
  • 6 drops rose oil
  • Glass jars

How to Make DIY Face Lotion:

1. Combine shea butter and jojoba oil in glass jar and place in large frying pan. Pour one cup of water on frying pan (or more, just not overflowing) and turn on medium-high until completely melted.

2. Take off the stove and let cool for 20 minutes.

3. Pour into a larger bowl

4.  Add aloe vera juice

5. Add vitamin E oil

6. Use your blender until everything is well mixed

7. Now, blend for 5-10 minutes. This is necessary to guarantee everything will remain mixed and not separate.

8. Add essential oils

9.  Blend until it starts to harden into a lotion.

10. Pour into a glass jar with a lid. (Mine is usually still liquid at this point but will continue solidifying)

Now for the good stuff. Why did I choose these ingredients?

  • Shea Butter– has a high concentration of vitamins and fatty acids
  • Aloe Vera juice – healing, antioxidants, treats acne, anti-aging, moisturizing
  • Vitamin E – Obviously great for moisturizing but I added it to preserve the lotion longer
  • Frankincense oil – wrinkle fighter!! Oh, and reduces scars and age spots
  • Rose essential oil – attacks acne
  • Lavender essential oil – acne fighter, redness reducer

Your DIY face lotion should last up to or even a little past six months, although you should be able to use it up before then. If not, divide and give as a gift to someone. Share the love! For even more beautiful glowing skin, use this DIY Lush Salt Scrub on your face first and if you’re willing to put in a little work, you’ll want to try this cheaper alternative moisturizer made from washed ghee that creates a fluffy soft lotion.

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