Dealing with dry skin in the winter is one thing, but for some, the season also means more acne.

Dr. Benjamin Barankin, dermatologist and medical director of Toronto Dermatology Centre, told Global News the sun has some anti-inflammatory and immunosuppression effects.

“Some modest sun exposure in the spring, summer, [and] fall can be helpful for acne,” he explained. “Also, when the air is dry like [it is] in winter, the facial skin secretes more sebum and oil to lubricate the skin … which can result in more acne.”

Dr. Ellen Marmur told Women’s Health magazine in 2015 cold air during winter months also has less moisture than the rest of the seasons. And when this cold air hits our face, it rips away natural surface lipids which act as a layer of protection.

“It’s a whole lot easier for bacteria to get in — and that means you can say hello to zits,” the magazine added.

Skincare routine in the winter

And as the season changes, you may want to consider changing your skincare routine in general, Barankin said.

For starters, only use gentle cleansers and avoid using bars of soap on your face. After you wash your face, pat try and immediately after apply a moisturizer.

“In the summer or more humid weather, a lotion is sufficient,” he continued. “In the winter, look for something a little bit thicker like a cream.”

1. Blame it on the central heating
While you can’t survive the extreme cold without a heater, you should know that it could actually be the reason behind your skin breaking out suddenly. When there’s a heater in the room, it automatically means there’s less moisture in the air. This causes your skin to feel overly dry. To compensate, your skin starts producing excess oil leading to acne!

2. Sudden change in skin care regimen
You stocked up on the best cleansers and moisturisers for your winter skin care routine but you ended up with a tiny zit right after using them, right? Worry not because your skin is slowly adjusting itself to the new products. Give it time to drink up all the essential nutrients.

3. The weather confuses your skin
You might be hoarding on sweaters and jackets for your body but your skin is hardly prepared for the sudden dip in temperatures. Your skin is naturally going to take some time to get used to the cold. Harsh winds, rains and even snow—all of these can end up causing breakouts. This is why winter skin care becomes all the more important for your skin.

4. You have clogged pores
Winters are when the skin turns overtly dry. This leads to dead skin buildup and while you’re skipping your exfoliation routine, you will soon experience breakouts because the dead skin clogs your pores causing acne.

5. What’s the solution?
The winters can cause breakouts not only on your face but also on your body—just like it does during the monsoons or summers. If you’ve been suffering from dry skin and hence, bacne, it’s time to moisturise your skin with the Dove Nourishing Secrets Restoring Ritual Body Lotion that works at the deepest layers of the skin and promises 24 hour moisturisation, thanks to its coconut oil and almond milk content. For your face, rely on the Pond's White Beauty Winter Anti-spot Moisturiser that works as a skin lightening treatment along with a cold cream to give you smooth skin.

6. You’re downright lazy
If you’re travelling to a different time zone, chances are that your winter skin care routine might take a backseat. Moreover, winters make you rather lethargic and following a skin care routine to the tee could be the last thing on your priority list. A word of advice—don’t do that!
