Good Skin Care Routine for Your Oily Acne-Prone Skin

Good Skin Care Routine for Your Oily Acne-Prone Skin

A couple weeks ago I wrote a post about how you can determine your skin type so you can customize a skincare routine with products that will work best for your specific skin. Then a week later I also wrote a post on skincare routines for dry skin. This week’s post is a continuation of those 2 posts.

This is the third post in the ‘Skincare Routine” series. I strongly recommend you reading the previous posts because they help you understand this post better. Also, skin types can change over time. So even if your skin is oily now, it doesn’t mean it will stay oily forever. Reading all the posts in this series will help you understand all skin types and prepare you for when your skin (maybe) one day changes.

This week we’re focusing on oily skin. Oily skin feels greasy, can be rough in texture and tends to have very large, visible pores. Most people experience a slight increase in sebum production in the warmer months. Whether you always have oily skin, or it’s the weather that’s changed your skin, with the right skincare products you can keep your oil at bay and improve your skin’s overall health.

1. If you wear makeup, it’s important to wear a foundation that is designed for oily skin. This may take some experimenting, but it’s important so that you’re not blocking pores, which leads to acne breakouts. Also, use a matte foundation to avoid the shiny appearance that oily skin is known for. When you’re applying foundation, it’s best to use a stippling brush or a sponge makeup applicator instead of your fingers. You might even opt for a tinted moisturizer rather than a full coverage foundation, which enables you to apply fewer products on your face each day.

2. After you’ve cleansed and used toner on your skin, the next step is to apply a moisturizer with SPF. No matter what skin type you have, it’s important to use a moisturizer that contains SPF to combat wrinkles and other damage caused by the skin. Apply oil-free water-based moisturizer all over your face and neck by dabbing and massaging lightly in an upward motion. Your skin absorbs water-based moisturizers quickly, and this keeps your skin from being greasy.

3. Before going to sleep at night, always cleanse, use toner, and moisturize again to maintain healthy-looking skin. You should especially do this if you wear makeup because it keeps your pores and face free from pimples.

4. Oily skin needs to be exfoliated on a regular basis, and the amount of exfoliation per week depends entirely on the individual. Directions on exfoliates advise you to exfoliate twice a day for one week and then switch to just once a day. You may, however, only need to exfoliate two or three times a week depending on how oily your skin is.

It’s worth mentioning that you should avoid exfoliating if you currently have an acne breakout to avoid skin irritation. Exfoliating face treatments that you use should contain salicylic acid to remove dead skin cells that can build up and cause pimples. Also, an easy and gentle exfoliate can be made at home using lemon juice and sugar; mix together a few tablespoons of lemon, add sugar, put the mixture onto a cotton ball or pad, and gently rub the cotton pad in a circular motion around your face and neck.

5. Once you’ve patted your face dry, you can use a toner to help keep your skin firm and close pores after you cleanse and exfoliate. Toner will also aid in reducing oil secretions that cause the skin to look greasy without clogging pores; you’ll remove any residue or dirt that could be left over after cleansing. Toner can be used to set makeup when in a spray bottle, and can also double as a refreshing spray throughout the day. Use a toner that doesn’t contain alcohol to avoid drying your skin out.

6. Targeted Treatments: Serums/Essences/Ampoules
Use this step to tackle whatever skin concerns you have in a targeted way. If you feel like your skin needs hydration, use a hydrating treatment; if you want to tackle fine lines, use an anti-aging treatment; if you want to brighten your skin, use a brightening treatment. My advice would be to stick to more watery, lightweight treatments that absorb more easily for oily skin.

If you’re not sure whether you are using too harsh of products, pay attention to how your skin feels once you’ve finished cleansing. Skin that feels dehydrated and tight is most likely over-cleansed or stripped of beneficial moisture and oil, which causes the top layers of the skin to shrink. This leads to blocked pores and breakouts because the oil can’t reach the skin’s surface.
