How to Get Rid of Acne with Rose Water

how to get rid of acne marks

One of the gentlest remedies to many skin related problems, rose water has been used since ages to resolve skin eruptions and heal the acne wounds. There are many factors that cause acne to erupt, but one of the main reasons is the excessive production of sebum. When the excess of sebum gets trapped in the skin it leads to acne eruption. Thankfully, rose water comes in very handy under such acne causing scenarios. Rose water is one of the best acne treatments at home. Besides clearing off the acne, it plays a vital role in healing and fading the acne scars.

Incredible benefits and tips for acne treatment at home using rose water:

Rose water has antimicrobial properties that make it work like an antiseptic. Besides helping treat acne, it also helps fade acne scars. So get ready to know how to get rid of acne marks without any hassle or stress.

  • It’s very easy to treat acne on all types of skin including a sensitive one, since rose water is one of the best natural treatments for acne. It does not cause reddening or burning of the skin like some creams, toners and chemical agents do.
  • Besides curing acne, rose water has many other skin benefits. Rose water in creams and lotions like Dabur Gulabari Moisturising Rose Lotion helps to maintain the optimum pH balance of the skin. And rose water in its own form like Dabur Gulabari Rose Water helps reduce fine lines and wrinkles.

Here are some homemade tips/recipes for face packs using rose water:

One of the most effective ways to make use of rose water for acne treatment is by using it in face packs or simply as a facial spray. Here are some of the most effective rose water face packs that can cure acne:

1. Sandalwood & rose water
To make this face pack, take sandalwood powder and rose water in a 2:1 proportion. In a bowl take 2 spoons of sandalwood powder and mix with 1 spoon of Dabur Gulabari Rose Water. Make a thick paste with the two and apply on the face until it dries and then wash off.

2. Rose water & lemon juice
Combine equal parts of rose water and lemon juice i.e., 1 spoon of rose water with 1 spoon of lemon juice. Mix the two ingredients well. Wash your face with this mixture to open the pores of your skin and then apply the same mix on the affected areas. Leave it on for 10 minutes. This process helps in the drying the acne while the lemon juice also helps in the lightening the scars. Learn more about how to get fair skin.

3. Cucumber, rose water and honey face pack
In case you’re allergic to citric acid or have a sensitive skin, you could also use this face pack instead. To make this face pack, take 2 inches of fresh cucumber and crush it with 2 spoons of honey in a blender. Make a smooth paste out of these two. Add rose water to this paste and mix all three ingredients well. Apply it on the face and neck. Both honey and rose water in this homemade tip for glowing skin have anti-bacterial properties. While honey nourishes the face the cucumber provides a cool soothing feeling.

So, don’t let skin problems and pesky pimples stress you out. Use Dabur Gulabari Rose Water in your daily routine to cure acne and fade those acne scars. Be your gorgeous self and shine on!
