Best Acne Face Wash For Oily Skin

Best Acne Face Wash For Oily Skin

Best Acne Face Wash For Oily Skin – Today I’m going to tell you what face wash to use if you have acne prone skin if such skin and hair related content is of interest to you.  The choice of face wash when you have acne or pimples skin depends upon what treatment you are on if you are taking any oral treatment in the form of retinoids or applying topical treatment which kind of dries your skin then we would want to use a face wash which is mild which will not further dry out your skin. But if you not on any treatment for acne and face washes and maybe just a few active-active creams, then you want to go for a face wash with either glycolic acid or salicylic acid in them this will help in exfoliating the skin and also will help in oil control.

You can also use certain face washes with benzoyl peroxide. In them, benzoyl peroxide helps in fighting against the bacteria which caused acne. So it will also reduce your acne, benzoyl peroxide would be a good option for you whenever you use a face wash. Make sure that you form the face wash properly on your face and leave it on for about two to three minutes for the active ingredients to act this will soften the top layer of your skin and also take care of the black and the whiteheads that you have on the face after leaving it on for a couple of minutes you can wash it off with lukewarm or cold water. You must use a face wash in the morning not only to control the excess oil. That has formed tonight but also to get rid of the creams and ointments that you applied before you went off to bed.

So using my gentle face wash is very important in the morning if you are on any Hackney treatment face washes with tea tree oil extracts can also help in controlling your acne.

Skin Care Routine Acne Prone Skin

A few major changes have happened in my skincare routine. I definitely wanted to let you guys know what those changes were one, in particular, is very huge I would say probably the biggest change of all it has caused my pillowcases my towels as well as my sheets to stay in somewhat bleach. That’s not okay, so of course, they have to go.

We’re first going to start off by of course removing our makeup. I still use the same off-brand up-and-up towelettes from Target. I want to say those are about three dollars a pack. They’re great for removing the majority of the makeup before I actually wash my face. So the goal here is to get everything that’s on the surface off before actually washing your face.

I’m going to take some coconut oil and apply that around my eye area. I find that this works great to remove eyeliner as well as mascara this is one of the beauty tricks that I’ve heard a lot of makeup artists use and I think it works great for me as well say remember me telling you guys at the very beginning of the video that something was staining / bleaching my towels pillowcases and sheets.

Well, it was the continuous control acne cleanser by clean and clear. I love that stuff but when I noticed what it was doing to my sheets and pillowcases I thought to myself well there is no telling what it’s doing to my skin. So it had to go, now I’m using the Cetaphil daily facial cleanser and I found that this works just fine. I actually like it even better

because it removes my makeup flawlessly. So again that was the biggest change I’ve had in my routine I had to get rid of that cleaning fear because it was doing so much harm to my stuff.

After I finish up you know applying instead of Phil to my face I take my Clarisonic and I’ve just massaged it in just so we can remove the remainder of the makeup. We want to make sure we get all that out of our skin and unclog those pores especially. If you have acne prone skin my pencil so once we have rinsed off the set of the field. We want to move on to our toner and so as you can tell this is also changed in my regiment originally. I was using witch hazel but now I find that the pore refining toner from Neutrogena works just as great.

So I kind of use that more so now than I do the witch hazel but sometimes I do revert back just depending on how I feel. So now we move on to moisturizer, of course, I still use my baby my Cerave. I love this stuff I can use it during the summer-fall winter springtime is just an awesome moisturizer for your face. That hasn’t changed in my regiment I highly recommend that stuff. If you don’t use it I noticed that I still had some eyeliner on. So I definitely wanted to remove backs.

I hate waking up become like a raccoon the next day. This next step is optional but around my eye area as well as around my lips it’s very sensitive once. I wash it during winter time. I just take a little bit of vitamin E oil and apply it around my eye areas just as extra barrier moisture.

The next step is to clean the Clarisonic brush if you guys remember once I wash my face and remove the makeup it was extremely dirty.  So what I do is take the set of field antibacterial bar and I wash the brush head with that bar. I think this is something that if at any point in time I don’t care what you do with the Clarisonic brush. I think if you have acne prone skin you definitely must wash. That brush after every use because this cuts down on any type of breakouts that can be caused by a dirty brush. So make sure you clean your brush.

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