The Best and Cheapest Skin-Care for Mature Skin

My Top Tips for Great Skin
I have been using this method now for several years. It's based around 5 key products. This has not only left me with better skin, it has left me with more money in my purse.

Stop for a moment and think how much a small pot of moisturizer costs, you're not paying for flawless skin, you are paying the company's advertising costs. I know research and development cost money but I have researched the following products and I give them all a 'thumbs up'.

If you're a slave to fashion and follow trends that come and go, perhaps this advice isn't for you. But if you are a savvy consumer who isn't swayed by top models, whose skin has likely been air-brushed, then I believe you will find the information in this article useful.

1. Pond's Cold Cream
Pond's Cold Cream is the only make-up remover you'll need. This not only works on eye makeup including mascara but also foundation and blusher as well. Just because this has been around for years doesn't mean it's old fashioned, it means it works!

I apply it with my fingers on my eye lids and gently in an upward stroke on my lashes as well. Then using a cotton ball, I carefully remove the cold cream and the makeup. Be careful not to rub, the skin around aging eyes is thin and fragile. What could be easier than that? Although I use a cotton ball, you may find a makeup pad works better for you. These are small round pads that are normally sold near the cotton balls.

If you think back to when actors and actress took off thick stage makeup, they always used cold cream. It just leaves my skin feeling wonderfully moisturized, and not dried out as astringents do.

2. Dove Soap
I love Dove Soap because it has cold cream in it, your skin is left feeling fantastic. This is actually one of the most popular brands here in Brazil where I live. The women here have great skin do in part to using this caring soap.

I am not going to teach you how to suck eggs but I want to tell you how to wash your face.

Firstly wash your hands. You can't clean a face with dirty hands.

I personally don't fill the sink, I use free flowing warm (not hot) water and splash this over my face and neck. Then I work the Dove soap into a lather and begin washing my face and neck. Not just a cursory wash but a gentle thorough job. Don't forget up into the hairline as well. Take your time and do a good job, your face will thank you for it.

Then I rinse, again with warm water. Now here some people would splash their face with cool water to close the pores. I prefer to do this only in the morning. In the evening I splash with warm water. The reason for this will become clear.

3. Johnson's Baby Oil
I can wholeheartedly recommend Johnson's Baby Oil. I use this every morning after my shower. If, for whatever reason I forget, I itch all day long with dry skin.

Immediately after showering, even before drying off, pour a small amount, about the size of a dime (5 pence if you are in the UK), in your hand and gently rub over your legs, arms and torso. I even put it on my face and neck as well. The extra water on your body spreads it thinly and the warmth from the shower helps it absorb. You are using a small amount but it goes a long way on a wet body!

Then gently pat yourself dry. Contrary to what you may be thinking, it doesn't leave the skin oily just soft.

When I stayed at my sister's home once on vacation, I left the bottle in her shower and my brother-in-law asked why I used it. He suffered from dermatitis and I suggested he try it. Now, he too is an avid daily user.

Johnson's Aloe Vera & Vitamin E Baby Oil, 20 Ounces (Pack of 1)
I wish I could shout it front the rooftops, how much I love this baby oil. When I know how many people with chronic itchy skin could benefit from it. With this part of a daily routine that constant itching is gone. It could be a life changer for so many people.

Our skin is our barrier to all the pollution, dust, and salt in the air, protecting it with a thin layer of oil not only makes sense, I feel it is a crucial daily routine to ensure my skin stays supple.

4. Vaseline
It must be going on 35 years since I first started using this in my nightly routine. I was always a fan of using it on my lips at bedtime but it never dawned on me to use it on the rest of my face until I met a woman who used this religiously. She looked 15 years younger than her actual age.

In an era of plastic surgery and expensive cosmetics, it is comforting to know that the answer has always been there and it doesn't cost the earth.

At bedtime, I apply this lightly to the area around my eyes and any other lines that I may have noticed during the day. I also have started applying this to the neck area at night as well. Nothing tells a woman's age like her neck. If yours is beginning to to show signs of aging and you don't want a turkey neck, begin using Vaseline.

If my hands or feet are looking a bit dry, I apply a coating of Vaseline and sleep with socks on. Yes, even on my hands. Try it, when you wake in the morning, you won't believe the difference.

5. Kitchen Scrubbing Sponges
Now I know you are probably thinking "No way". Well yes, I use pan scourers. Why pay an exorbitant price for exfoliants and abrasives when you probably have a new sponge in your kitchen drawer. If you think about loofahs, those plastic nets and even washcloths, they are all meant to be slightly abrasive to lift the dead skin off as you wash.

We have seen products which have oatmeal, ground apricot seeds and other various abrasive ingredients but why use those when the idea is to remove the dead skin cells.

There are basically two types of sponge scrubbers, the type which will clean everything and one to use on Teflon® products. The second type is more gentle and if you are a beginner with exfoliating, perhaps it is best to start with this one. Use these as you would your washcloth (flannel) or loofah. You will be amazed at how scrubbed and clean you feel afterwards.

Other Things to Remember
There are other ways to make a difference in the health and appearance of your skin including enough sleep, drinking sufficient water, using sun protection, and of course, not smoking.

I hope I have given you a few things to think about and I hope you will try some, if not all of them.

I would love to hear about your favorite low-cost beauty treatments.

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