DIY Natural Whipped Shave Cream

Homemade All Natural Moisturizing Shaving Cream!
This DIY natural whipped shave cream is made with essential oils, shea butter, coconut oil and olive oil to give you extremely soft and smooth skin. This is an incredible shaving cream to prevent razor bumps naturally and it makes your skin feel soft as silk! This chemical free shave cream is awesome even for really sensitive skin and you’ll never want to go back to conventional shaving cream again!

As someone with very fair skin and blonde hair, I don’t really have to shave my legs everyday because it’s just not noticeable (plus I get lazy). Especially in the fall and winter when all I wear are pants and leggings, I just don’t want to unless I’m dressing up for something. I’ve got two very active little boys, so I don’t have the TIME to shave everyday. But after trying this shaving cream out, I may just make time to do it because my legs felt like they were wrapped in silk afterwards! It was seriously the softest my skin has ever felt in my life. Plus my skin is super sensitive so I’m easily prone to razor bumps if I’m not careful and no matter what kind of shaving cream I used or how much I exfoliate first, I’m always left with razor bumps. Ever since using this shaving cream, I haven’t gotten any razor bumps AT ALL, so I’m definitely hooked. A big reason why this shaving cream helps fight razor bumps is in the ingredients used, but I’ll get to that in a minute!

The best part is, you get to choose the scent! One problem I have with store bought shaving creams is I either don’t like the scent at all, or the artificial fragrance irritates my sensitive skin so it becomes completely useless to me.

I chose a loyalty blend I got for free from young living because it has a ton of oils in it that are great for the skin and it smells amazing, but you could add eucalyptus or peppermint for an energizing, tingling shaving cream, or a floral scent like geranium or jasmine would be really great too. If you really want, you could also add in a little bit of soap dye if you want to make it a fun color, but I chose to just leave mine white because the color didn’t really matter to me.

This shaving cream was very inexpensive to make too because I already had all the ingredients on hand, but I feel like most people will already have coconut oil and olive oil in their homes so it generally comes down to just buying the shea butter. I have a lot of ingredients from mountain rose herbs just because every now and then I bulk order from them so I have a lot of random ingredients, but most of the time I get my stuff on Amazon because I’m too impatient to wait more than two days for shipping (I’ve been too spoiled by prime). So I have linked below the products I usually get and have had success with

What’s In It?

1. Shea Butter
Shea butter is absolutely amazing for your skin. It’s one of my favorite ingredients for lotions, body butters or pretty much anything I use on my skin. Shea is a skin superfood that comes from the seeds of the fruit of the Shea tree (or a vitellaria tree). It’s naturally rich in vitamins A and E and even offers UV protection (it’s SPF 6). It also provides the skin with essential fatty acids and the nutrients necessary for collagen production which is huge for healthy skin! It’s incredibly moisturizing, making it my number one ingredient in the winter time when my skin is extra dry and needs some extra help. It’s also anti inflammatory which is one of the main reasons I wanted to use it in this shaving cream. It’s anti inflammatory properties lend a hand in preventing and soothing razor bumps so it’s really a powerhouse in this recipe.

2. Coconut Oil
Coconut oil has gained a ton of popularity in recent years and for good reason. Coconut oil is a powerful moisturizer and skin softener and, like shea butter, contains naturally occurring Vitamin E. Coconut oil is mainly composed of saturated fats, which are amazing at repairing your skins natural barrier function and can also keep moisture in the skin by slowing down the evaporation, which is one reason why this cream feels so silky! It is also rich in proteins which keep the skin healthy and contribute to cellular health and tissue repair. What I really love about coconut oil is it’s antibacterial properties, yet another reason it’s great at fighting razor bumps!

3. Olive Oil
I like to use olive oil because it’s naturally high in squalene, an oil that mimics your skin’s natural sebum, so it leaves your skin extra smooth and helps improve the texture.It’s also full of antioxidants that work to fight environmental skin damage, so if you have a tendency to go and lay out in the sun a lot or go tanning, it would be especially beneficial! It also helps to smooth out this shaving cream so that your razor glides effortlessly and makes it feel more luxurious.

How To Make DIY Natural Whipped Shave Cream

You’ll need:

  • 1/2 cup shea butter
  • 1/2 cup coconut oil
  • 1/4 cup olive oil
  • 20-30 drops whatever essential oil you want

In a double boiler or microwave, melt the coconut oil and shea butter (a double boiler is better for even heat distribution but I totally get lazy sometimes and just use the microwave). Once the oils are melted, transfer to a bowl and add in the olive oil.

Stir to mix then put the bowl in the fridge and wait for the oils to start solidifying. They don’t need to be completely solid, just somewhat solidified, kind of like soft butter. This can take a little bit, depending on how hot the oils are to begin with, it took about an hour for my oils to be ready.

Once the oils are solid enough, transfer to a stand mixer (or you can use a hand mixer) and whip for a few minutes until it looks like whipped cream (but don’t eat it!) You can add in the essential oil(s) at this point, just mix enough to incorporate it into the shaving cream.

NOTE* This shaving cream does not lather and since it is made with oil, it will melt on your skin when you apply it. I promise it works amazing, but don’t expect it to stay in it’s whipped consistency once it’s rubbed onto warm skin.

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